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Thursday, November 28, 2013

The ABC'S Of Thanks~

Write a list using the alphabet and then list one item that you are grateful for that starts with the given letter.

The ABC's Of Thank Fullness

So I'm doing this Thankful list.
I just love it!
I did the original post of thankful ABC list 
Back on
Friday December 9, 2011
I had totally forgotten about it.
But going through some old post I ran across the post and said,
I must do this again!
Such a perfect post on Thanksgiving day!
Though I think we should be thankful year round not just one month or just one day, but a life of thank fullness.
So its a perfect time to add my very special list of thanks to the Lord in a very fun and unique way.

Here is how it works
 So simple yet so profound.
Write a list with the alphabet
Each thankful on list starts with the letter of the alphabet
One word or a sentence doesn't matter.
Just join in on the fun!
And see how many wonderful things you are truly thankful for.
I think this is an awesome concept and so much FUN!
It's really a simple act of gratitude.

Happy Thanksgiving
ber 9, 2

A. Aroma's from the kitchen 
B. Balance to be able to walk
C. Country that I live in
D. Day's given to celebrate and share the love of Jesus
E. Envelope's to mail out  cards of love and pay my bills
F. Financial blessings that come from work and other sources
G. Grace that I have been given for each day that I awake and journey through this amazing world that I have been blessed to live in
H. Hubby 
I. Ice cream
J. Juice
K. Kitchen that I can cook in and that I have food to cook with
L. Lesson's learned
M. Money
N. Noise (Which means I can hear)
O. Open doors of opportunities
P. Pens
Q. Quilt that keeps me warm at night
R. Relationships that I have built over the years that grow and grow into the most beautiful flowers in the garden of life
S. Sweaters
U. Umbrella
V. Victory I have in life because of what Jesus did at the cross for me and YOU!
W. Wisdom that I have gained over the years of life
X. X~tra love I'm gifted with because my quiver is full with family and loved ones. The Lord has blessed us with ten beautiful grandchildren; and plenty of family surrounding us with love daily. An amazing gift!
Y. Yams
Z. Zealous for my Lords love

What is your list of ABC's of thankfulness?
Do you have a big family gathering at your home or do you go to a big family gathering?

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