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Daily Journey

My journey through my day and my life with its andotes and life lessons of the day. The gifts and blessing of those people the Lord has surrounded me with along with the many treasure's He has left for me to open and enjoy along the way. My walk with my Lord and Savior, Prayers, Work, Play. Pictures of the gifts and blessing. My journey through life and how it has strengthened, blessed me or............

Blog Awards

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Prompt B: Acrostic Haiku (AH) - BYE

Prompt B: Acrostic Haiku (AH) - BYE
(A Haiku is a Japanese lyric verse form having 3 unrhymed lines of 5, 7, 5 syllables, traditionally invoking an aspect of nature or the seasons.)

A new month of acrostic's. Every month a new batch of words and challenges are released for us to work with. Please go check them out over at:

Be seeing you around
Yearning for the next hello
Even as we say au revoir

~Beth ~

How to you handle good-bye's?

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