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My journey through my day and my life with its andotes and life lessons of the day. The gifts and blessing of those people the Lord has surrounded me with along with the many treasure's He has left for me to open and enjoy along the way. My walk with my Lord and Savior, Prayers, Work, Play. Pictures of the gifts and blessing. My journey through life and how it has strengthened, blessed me or............

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Thursday, February 13, 2014

Candid Moments


January 31, 2014
This is hanging next to my moms front door!
I just love what it said.
I love flowers.
How many times as children did we bring our moms flowers that were disguised as a weed?
I know I brought them more than I could ever count I'm sure.

January 31, 2014
 My mom is so amazing!
I went to see her on her birthday and she has flowers for me.
Now I would say that is some kind of special mom!
Aren't they beautiful?
Love them!
Thank you mom!

January 31, 2014
 This little flower fairy sits next to moms sink in the kitchen surrounded by beautiful flowers.
I think she is a cheery little blossom.
Flowers so light up a room.
Bring cheer and happiness to a home.
I would have fresh flowers everyday if I could afford it!
I need a huge garden of flowers!

January 31, 2014

Once again another day has come and gone.
They seem to go so quickly these days.
It has been a very busy day at my beauty shop creating a beautiful garden of beauty and smiles.
Thank you for stopping in;
Don't forget to leave a comment.
You create a beautiful garden in my life.

Do you love flowers and gardens? What is your favorite flower?

Photo Challenge

February Photo Challenge
Day 13~

So walking was kind of a hard one to do of myself 
So i took some photos of the things I saw while walking this afternoon in the court yard
The steps that are always filled leafs and snow and who knows......?????
A squirrel hiding his lunch or digging for his lunch
The snow that is now just patches around the court yard
Melting away!
Some birds singing and looking for dinner I'm sure

February Joy Dare

Day 13
3 Gifts behind a door
1. The bathrobe on my bathroom door
2. My sweaters and business suits on my bedroom door
3. My hair tools that I need for work

A Holy Experience

1 comment:

Rosebud Collection said...

Wonderful pictures and it is a blessing to have your mom..I miss mine..we were very close too. But the thing that always gives me peace..she knew how much I loved her.
Now about flowers..Oh Beth, I have a black thumb..George would always tease me. I am lousy in the garden.He would grow the veggies and I would do the canning/freezing..we had the best of two worlds..My children are going to try and set a garden for me this year. I am already sweating, because I am a poor gardener..
HOpe your ankle is better..go slow.
Sending blessings to you..thanks for your visit. xoxoRosebud/Carolyn