Snow Round Three
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February 8, 2014 |
Here we go again round three of a three part storm that has hit the PNW.
Though it sounds like this will go right into a four part according to the weatherman.
This was taken this morning.
Tonight is is freezing rain that is to go on through tomorrow evening until ten at night.
With mixture of snow.
Not good for traveling and getting from one place to another.
Then we will have rain for the next week.
I think Winter finally hit the PNW!
Well needed!
Enjoy the snow photos.
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February 8, 2014 |
As I look out my patio door this is the winter wonderland I see.
The snow drifts raging up against the doors and windows of neighbor's.
With snow caps on the roof!
As the snow flurries continue.
It never stopped snowing today at all;
Until the freezing rain came at about 4 o'clock this afternoon.
It hasn't stopped since it started.
It should create some amazing beauty tomorrow.
Though very dangerous.
Not sure I will be out much tomorrow.
Walking with out falling and keeping balance most important.
We will see what tomorrow brings.
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February 8, 2014 |
On my patio sits my pots waiting for Spring.
Today blooming in covered snow caps.
Yes across the way you see the snow blocking the neighbors door.
It is a snow drift.
The winds out here are whipping the snow and causing more problems then the snow does.
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February 8, 2014 |
Here we find bushes buried in the snow and a very clear sidewalk.
This site is found throughout the complex and roadways around the neighborhood.
Rather amazing I would say.
Due to the winds whipping the pretty little snow flakes around.
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February 8, 2014 |
What a contrast to the photo above!
This one shows how buried in one can be with the snow drifts.
Not sure the family upstairs would be safe coming out!
And it is still windy and snowing!
Got to love mother nature and all of her exploits.
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February 8, 2014 |
Yet another staircase even more covered and dangerous than the other one above.
The snow drifts here where blocking many from even being able to get out at all.
Really needed to have snow shovel right inside door way to shovel out.
All I can say it was quite a site.
Pictures don't do it justice at all.
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February 8, 2014 |
Not sure they will be using this patio anytime soon.
The window view is a beautiful snow drift blanketing the entire area.
It is a blanket of Winter wonderland.
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February 8, 2014 |
Walking down the street we find more sights of interest.
this was the path I use to take to work when I worked at the hospital.
Don't think I could walk up and through that path in that snow bank.
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February 8, 2014 |
Here we see the wall banked in snow.
Actual I'm in the center of the road taking this photo.
So the road is covered and gives the illusion that the snow bank on the wall is the same depth as the road.
Only in places is it that way.
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February 8, 2014 Hubby |
Hubby coming in from a brisk cold walk stomping over to the store for a few items.
He was unable to go into work today.
He took a sick day and we have had an interesting day.
I think he really enjoyed his snow day!
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February 8, 2014 Beth |
Obliviously very cold!
Not sure why I decided to brave the great outdoors and these elements!
But it was a nice little walk and adventure.
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February 8, 2014 Beth |
Me wrapped up like a mummy trying to stay warm as I venture around the neighborhood.
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February 8, 2014 Hubby |
Hubby shoveling out snow for the neighbor;
So she would be able to get in and out of her front door.
She has pets that she needs to be able to take out.
It would be very hard for them otherwise as the snow was half way up her front door.
Some of her fur babies are older as well and it would have been very difficult for them.
Hubby cleared out the front of her door,
Ours, and some of the neighbors stairs,
As well as around our cars in hopes to be able to get out.
Which we weren't able too.
But instead enjoyed strolling around the neighborhood and lending a helping hand were needed.
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February 8, 2014 |
My very happy boots!
I sure was glad to have them and dig them out of the coat closet.
We purchased them back in 2008 in the big snow storm when we first moved here in the apartments.
We had stomped over in tennis shoes to Bi-mart in hopes of finding a pair.
Haven't had much use for them.
But today I did!
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February 8, 2014 Hubby & I |
Hubby and I having some fun in the snow.
I wanted to run and put my jacket on and he said, "NO!"
I guess it is fun to get some crazy snow pictures.
You only live once.
As you can see the snow drift is knee high.
He appears not cold at all as I shiver in my scarf!
February 8, 2014
An end to a fun day in the snow.
Hope you enjoyed the snow day with me.
Tomorrow will bring new adventures.
Most likely in snow iced over.
Not sure how well I will do getting out.
Today was fun.
What do you like to do and enjoy doing when you cannot leave the house and your snowed in?
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Ankle Up Date View
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February 7, 2014 Ankle view |
For those of you who have followed the ankle saga...
This is a view of the up dated visual of my ankle next to the good one.
Was taken yesterday afternoon after work.
As you see a year and half later...
I still have huge issues.
I thank God everyday for being able to do what I love and do.
I have a great deal of pain.
But I endure and am thankful for the ability to walk once again.
I don't work full time any longer.
But God is good!
He is my provider!
If you want more details just ask.
Photo Challenge
February Photo Challenge
Day 8~ Orange
Tangerines mom gave me
Carrots hubby is cooking for the homemade chili
My water diffuser mom gave me with my tangerines in it
Monk fruit (It is a good sugar substitute)
Gun for game on the Wii
One of my most favorite Mary Kay products satin hands
Then a storage bind
I was amazed at how much orange I found around the house.
It isn't one of my favorite colors so I thought it would be hard.
It wasn't!!
February Joy Dare
Day 8~ A gift broken, fixed, thrifted
My broken gift would be my front door this morning. It wouldn't shut! And in this weather not a good thing! We found a huge draft in door where all our warm heat is escaping and all the cold air is coming in. I am thankful we got it closed and that I have a door there even with the draft.
Fixed gift would be the wonderful homemade salsa hubby made today along with the homemade chili. He had to fix it all. I was banned from the kitchen today. He offered I took him up on it! No kitchen for me! Now that is a gift!!!!
Thrifted gift would be the bag of old clothes that I want to thrift out to the local thrift store. Also I love all my tea cups and saucers I have gotten from thrift stores. Someday I will be able to display them.
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