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Tuesday, April 26, 2011

365 Days Of Pictures ~Day 62

The wee ones helping to press the butter milk out of the butter. They were having so much fun!
I was truly amazed at how much they where enjoying this. They didn't want to leave this adventure.
They were hard working Little Ms's on the wild frontier of prairie of Sutter's Fort.

Pressing Butter for Butter Milk
Do you think you could have lived in those days on the frontier prairie?

Socrates Is Downstairs


Amanda said...

It's good that the little ones have a chance to see what life was like in the past.

I was lucky to have a prairie childhood and, while it was not the most comfortable, it wasn't half as bad as people may think.

Unknown said...

That looks fun, for sure! :) I would have loved it when I was a kid.

Bob said...

it looks like they are enjoying themselves. the whipped butter looks good, and always love it on my pancakes. i like your blog, and keep up the good work!
Many Blessings,