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Monday, April 11, 2011

Prompt 5: Nature (N) - CASHEW

Prompt 5: Nature (N) - CASHEW

Chasing each nugget of gold
Abounding in the richest nuggets
Scattering and hiding each one
Harboring each hidden golden nugget
Exceeding each squirrels golden dreams
Wealth of cashew golden nuggets 


Do you like to watch the squirrels play?


Debra Gray-Elliott said...

Like this one,Cashews are my favorite. Thank you for stopping by.

LV said...

I think they are cute playing. However, they are ruining my yard. Digging big holes. I have never had so many as this year. My neighbor has trapped 8. She takes them a puts them out away from us.

Lisa said...

Nice CASHEW acrostic. I LOVE cashews and love watching squirrels.


Amanda Moore said...

Beth you turned a cashew into a treasure. For Acrostic Only tho the limit on words per line if four and all lines must have the same number of words in the single Acrostic.
I have not done cashew yet because it has not inspired me, you really did wonders with a nut!!!