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My journey through my day and my life with its andotes and life lessons of the day. The gifts and blessing of those people the Lord has surrounded me with along with the many treasure's He has left for me to open and enjoy along the way. My walk with my Lord and Savior, Prayers, Work, Play. Pictures of the gifts and blessing. My journey through life and how it has strengthened, blessed me or............

Blog Awards

Saturday, April 16, 2011

A-Z Blogging Challenge~ N

"N" Is:
Nonsense is the words she writes
Here is the words of the crazy little pen
Marking up all the pretty white paper
With such nonsense
That nothing makes any sense at all
The words of this writer
Are words of nonsense
As she chases after the
Pen and paper
Like a mad hatter
The  crazy little pen
With the pretty white paper
With nonsense of words flowing through her head
As she writes the words of nonsense
She chases after the pretty white paper with her crazy little pen
With such nonsense
Do you own any crazy little pens?


Debra Gray-Elliott said...

That's how I feel today!

JL Dodge said...

How cute Beth...
I think we all feel like this at times...

We have awarded you the versital blogger award.. pick it up at our blog !!