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Saturday, February 19, 2011

Another Celebration Of Life

 Another celebration of a grand life! As my hubby fondly calls my salon "God's Waiting Room". Which seems to appropriately fit the way my hubby came up with the name.  It is actually a pet name he came up with when I was getting so sad. Then one day he told me "So what do you think is going to happen when you work in Gods waiting room?" He made me smile and then I knew that the prayers I prayed and the answer I had received was from God. I often prayed when I first started there and would ask God "Why here and why do you let me get so attached to them?" Then you call them home to you. I felt the answer whispered in my spirit more times then I can count on numerous times; "You are preparing them for me with your gentle love and care."
Which brings me to Yes! Yet another we had to say goodbye too, another "Grand Lady". She was a standing appointment every week until she had moved this past year into more private care. Then her daughter brought her every other week. I always look forward to her visit and our time together. She always had a smile and a dance in her step for me. We would waltz from one chair to the other from shampoo to style chair. Hair dyer chair then back to style chair. What a dance it was! She was one of my only original ladies left from the start of me working at "God's Waiting Room" three and half years ago. She was 94 years young. She taught Sunday school and loved to sing in the choir. She was a gentle woman who brought a smile into the room every time she came in. She didn't speak much about anything just always had a smile and wanted to know you where doing alright. A private lady. Now she is celebrating a new birthday as we celebrate her life. I will greatly miss her as I have so many others that have gone before her. She was a pure joy and delight to me. It amazes me how attached I get to these beautiful ladies and gents. They have such a fire in them for life. They bring smiles to me everyday and make me excited to be able to be a service to them in making them feel special and  gorgeous.They share so much life with me about places and days gone by, history, their families, what makes them them. They leave their finger prints of life all around me. They so enrich mine in ways that I cannot even put to words. But so pray I can find a way to pen each one as they have blessed me so.
Thank you Lord for giving me time with each one of these special ladies and gents. They have truly enriched my life in ways I cannot even dream or imagine. They are the "Pay Checks Of The Heart" every week. I thank you for continuing to bless the work of my hands the ability and talent to be able to do the work I love in the beauty industry Lord. Thank you for giving me the joy in my heart to pour out to each one daily as they do into my life through their stories of living life to the fullest and remembering that it is people that are important not the things of this world. Thank you Lord that I will always be grateful and honored to be a service to those you place in my life for you in Jesus name Amen!
My lovely lady will be missed by me and many others. I don't have many of the original group left that I started with. But... every week the Lord fills my shop with these precious young ladies and gents that have paved the way for us.  Each with a story and a zeal for life that I pray I will be able to share one day with someone that will want to hear about my life story.
What a joy! So I'm sure I will have many more life celebrations as long as I work at "God's Waiting Room."
Goodbye beautiful lady! Until we meet again in the heavens. Rest in Peace!

Do you like hearing the stories of days gone by from the older family members in your family?


Adrienne said...
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Adrienne said...

Dear friend -

(I deleted - need to try again!)

You definitely are in God's waiting room! And there is nothing like what you do for the dear ones who are touched by your love. I'm a chaplain in care centers, assisted living homes and in some private homes and I understand the attachment we make and how hard it is when we must let go - but I don't want to be anywhere else, loving people any other way! You are right where God placed you. I know your life is touched by the ones you minister care to in more ways than they ever imagine.

Debra Gray-Elliott said...

What a wonderful blog. Thank you for stopping by Writing with Debra and your nice comment. My grandson inspired me to write the post and God gave me the words. Thanks for the follow. Following back,

Anna said...

I love hearing stories from my older family members! This was so sweet! Thanks for sharing!