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Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Ground Hog Day Feb. 2nd

It is February 2nd and everyone awaits to see if the Ground Hog will see his Shadow or not and if we are going to have six more weeks or more of Winter. It seems to depend upon where you live whether you will  have six or more weeks of Winter or if Spring is just around the corner. There are tons and tons of information and groups of people totally dedicated to this day. Events and chapter's
 that are held for this one day. I found one Web page that was totally fascinating and filled with all kinds of great information and historical value as well.
Punxsutawney Phil sits on the shoulder of Official ...Punxsutawney Phil, Ben Hughes
So it appears where I live Mr. Ground Hog did see his shadow so we will be having more Winter here. As the sun was shining. Though it was very chilly and cold day. 
The official story was "Punxsutawney Phil Predicts An Early Spring"
Associated Press
Which he predicted and early Spring which should be great news across the Nation that has been hit hard by a never ending Winter storm one right after another.

How do you feel about Mr. Ground Hog and his predication's?

1 comment:

Southhamsdarling said...

We don't have any predictions like that over here in England, but I am going to be positive here and say that we are going to have an early Spring!! Well, we can live in hope!