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My journey through my day and my life with its andotes and life lessons of the day. The gifts and blessing of those people the Lord has surrounded me with along with the many treasure's He has left for me to open and enjoy along the way. My walk with my Lord and Savior, Prayers, Work, Play. Pictures of the gifts and blessing. My journey through life and how it has strengthened, blessed me or............

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Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Day 2 Picture ~ Of

Day 02 - A picture of you and the person you have been close with for the longest.

This was really a hard one. As I have lots of friends that I have felt very close to for a very long time over the years. Some that I have shared some of the most heart wrenching events in my life with. As well as the most memorable and happiest of times. As most close friends go, you walk with them through every stage of life and share the loss, the pain, the joy, the laughter of your life's. Every event that touches you and them. Together forever! They are the ones that hold the glue together make each moment priceless as their friendship grows in boundless ways. The ones you couldn't have made it without them there. You just naturally share with one another. I have several that deserve this honor. And too each of them I say thank you for enriching my life and making each day brighter by your presence in it. I couldn't have made it without each one of YOU! And you know who you are. You are the superstars in my life that bring each day together in the fullness of the Love God has intended for each one of us.
But I  decided to picked my Childhood playmate. Sadly we were loss to one another for many years. We weren't able to share allot of our events with each other in life. I'm sure we would have though. We had lost touch with each other for many years shortly after I had moved away my Junior year in High School. Unknown est to both of us, we were both searching for one another. I went to a class reunion at the school I once attendee with her and many other lost classmates. Sadly she wasn't there. I had purchased the class directory and found her name and number. Called and have picked up right where we lift off when we were kids. That was a funny story in of its self. (Maybe for another time.) Yes! We do share everything just like when we were kids. So picking her just seems so natural. I'm sure we would've shared every detail of our lives. Just as we did when we were children on the play ground and growing into young women with all our fears, hopes and desires we had. With our future laying ahead of us we could never have known what laid ahead for the both of us. Yet years would separate us and a chance phone call in hopes.. of finding her and re connecting that lost friendship of long ago once again. Which indeed happened so quickly after that phone call. We are now playing catch up on all the years we have lost in between. I love her and still have the best times with her. We have been friends pushing around 40+ years. (I have another childhood girlfriend I'm doing the same thing with as well. How exciting is it when God brings your childhood friends back into your life. They know you so well!) When we used to be much younger than we are now we would get mistaken for sisters. I don't think we would now! Our moms would yell at us and think we where their daughter from the side or backside. Way too funny! As you see we still both love to play and have a great time! This bottom photo was taken on a Mother's Day weekend a few years back. The one on top was taken on the Saturday before Mother's Day at the Mother's Day event being held at her sisters church. Her mother was so excited that we girls were back together again just like when we were children. Her mom shared how she had longed to have me around and had been searching for so long for me. She even had her daughter searching for me as she got older as she knew how to use the computer and search engines. It was like her daughter knew me  before she even actually meet me. From the time she was small her mom had always spoken about me. How Awesome is that? Well the searching has ended and happily I might add. So we are sharing and playing once again.

Don't forget to hook up with the linky and check back everyday to see what the picture of the day will be.

Do you have a special childhood friend that was lost to you that you have found or they found you?