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Daily Journey

My journey through my day and my life with its andotes and life lessons of the day. The gifts and blessing of those people the Lord has surrounded me with along with the many treasure's He has left for me to open and enjoy along the way. My walk with my Lord and Savior, Prayers, Work, Play. Pictures of the gifts and blessing. My journey through life and how it has strengthened, blessed me or............

Blog Awards

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Blog Finds

 I seem to be finding more and more on these blog hops. The challenges are amazing and get your creative juices flowing. I'm loving each one and the growth they are creating in me as well. As how I'm looking at things differently. I seem to take more time with things as the old adage saying is "stop and smell the roses". I seem to be doing more of that which is causing me to enjoy life more and to its complete fullest as I possible can at the very given moment that I'm involved with or experiencing at the moment in time. Each day becomes more inviting and exciting with the flow of the creative juices and the ideas and thoughts that are opening up. I thank God for these opportunities that have presented themselves through the blog world. I am growing so much in so many ways. Writing, photography which I love both. I had set some of my writing aside for many years and realized how much I have missed it. It is very therapeutic to me. The photography has always been apart of me as well. I love photos they tell such beautiful stories and hold memories for a life time. They capture the moment and holds those moments in the time capsules of photos. My newest find in the blog world that I'm liking is a place called.Wordinsync

New adventures
New finds
New friends
Mixed with old
These places and times
I hold near and dear
Life is short
Memories to cherish
I hold tight
I hold close to my heart
I rejoice in each new find
Each new day
Each new friend
Each adventure
To hold and treasure
God blesses me with these
I rejoice in each
New adventure
Each new find
All mixed with the love
Of the old
With the new
I hold and treasure
My adventures

Do you have a talent that is hidden you'd like to develop more?


mark.-Makeup,Beauty,Fun said...

Now following you from the Sunday Strolling Blog Hop! Would love a follow back:

Create With Joy said...

Dear Beth

I'm so delighted to meet you - and I'm so glad you've become a Kindred Spirit over at Create With Joy! I'm following you back as well!

There are so may amazing places to explore that will help you expand your creativity! The next time you visit, explore my sidebar and the links on some of my posts. Your photography, for instance, is beautiful (I particularly love your sky shot a few posts down). There are links to photography memes, links to creative challenges, etc that I think you'll enjoy exploring!

Have a fabulous week and I look forward to getting to know you and seeing more of your work!


Self Sagacity said...

Thanks for the lovely comment and the follow. I am following you back.