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Thursday, December 29, 2011

365 Days Of Pictures ~ Day 309

This picture was taken by my friend Sally!
I love the prayer trees at the Grotto.
Every year I place a pray on the tree.
They are one of my very favorite things to go and visit while we are there.
I love reading some of the many prayers and Praises.
Then I can as well pray too!

Next To Prayer Tree At Grotto
In Portland Oregon

Is there a place of special prayer request that you can place prayers or stand in agreement with?

1 comment:

Southhamsdarling said...

What a lovely idea, Bethe, to have that prayer tree at the Grotto. I work voluntarily for the local childrens' hospice, and, at Christmas, at the local Advent Fair, we have a Christmas tree with lights, and people give us donations to hang a memory star on the tree, in memory of a loved one. The tree will then go into the Church for all the Christmas Services, which is rather nice. My friend, I received my package yesterday - thank you SO much. It's really wonderful, and my little feet are in for such a treat! Also, the calendar. I shall look forward to turning the page every month. I so appreciate the thought Bethe. Thank you so much. Blessings your way, and I wish you and all your family a very happy, peaceful and healthy new year. Take care. Hugs.