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My journey through my day and my life with its andotes and life lessons of the day. The gifts and blessing of those people the Lord has surrounded me with along with the many treasure's He has left for me to open and enjoy along the way. My walk with my Lord and Savior, Prayers, Work, Play. Pictures of the gifts and blessing. My journey through life and how it has strengthened, blessed me or............

Blog Awards

Friday, December 9, 2011

The ABC'S Of Thanks~ Hosted By Rachel Over @ Finding Joy

Rachel over at "Finding Joy"

I just found her via
"A Stitch In Time"

So I'm going to do this Thankful list.
I just love it!
It was her Thanksgiving post.
I just thought...
It is a time of giving and being thankful
So I just wanted to add my list.
Even if it is a bit late.
I will get to hook up next year in a timely fashion.
Just love finding new blogs and new inspiration's.
Come along and have some fun!

Here is how it works so simple yet so profound.
Don't forget to link up if you join in on the fun!

It's really a simple act of gratitude.
Write a list using the alphabet and then list one item that you are grateful for that starts with the given letter.

So I did try to link up.
I believe this link is closed.
But this was so fun!
Do go check Rachel's blog.
It is wonderful!
Also go check out all the wonderful folks she is link up with.
I'm sure you wont be disappointed.
I know I wasn't.

A. Air that I breathe
B. Banana's that I love to eat
C. Cash to meet all of my needs and some of my wants
D. Dresses to wear out and to make me feel pretty
E. English the language I speak
F. Fingers that enable me to do the work I do and type on my key board
G. Grass to lay on
H. Heat to keep warm by
I. Ice cream
J. Jump rope to play with my grandchildren with
K. Kite's to fly to the heavens
L. Love of my family and friends
M. Mountain's to climb and to view
N. Notes from those I love
O. Ocean
P. Peace that comes from the Father above
Q. Quarters to do my laundry with
R. Rose's to admire and enjoy their beauty
S. Shoes to protect my feet
T. Tissue for my tears to clean a little face and so many other things
U. Umbrella to help keep me dry from the rain
V. Violin to make beautiful music with
W. Water to keep me hydrated with as the word waters my soul
X. xylophone that makes children smile as they play
Y. Yo yo
Z. Zoo to see all the exotic animal's from around the world

Finding Joy | The ABC's of Thanks

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