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Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Three Word Wednesday Prompt~

Immobile; adjective: Not moving; motionless; incapable of moving or being moved.

Proximity; noun: Nearness in space, time, or relationship.

Retribution; noun: Punishment that is considered to be morally right and fully deserved.

The frost in the air cause's
Me to be immobile
As I turn and catch a glimpse of you
The proximity of the site
Of you
Reminds me of a time long ago
The retribution I once wanted
I now only feel sorrow
For you
The loss you now have
Must cause you more grieve than
Any retribution I could cause
As time tears away
At your heart
You must have more frost
Covering your soul
Than the air
As the proximity
Of the lives you have touched and lost
Must cause you to be immobile
With each passing day
Filled with those you have loved and lost
The loneliness most over take you
One memory at a time


Does the site of some make you immobile and wonder what ever came to be?


Sheilagh Lee said...

yes you've moved on and they have lost a treasure.

Shauna said...

woW, you really let someone have it-
well deserved., I'm sure.

Shauna said...

woW, you really let someone have it-
well deserved., I'm sure.