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Sunday, November 27, 2011

Prompt 4: Children's Corner (CC) – LOLLIPOP

A new month of acrostic's. Every month a new batch of words and challenges are released for us to work with. Please go check them out over at:

Prompt 4: Children's Corner (CC)LOLLIPOP

Image Source Page:

Large hard candy on a stick
Ordinary flavors made into extraordinary tastes
Laced with colors of the rainbow
Licking until you must crunch down
Impossible to only lick the candystick
Pleasure given with every slippery lick
Oh! Must we share our candystick's
Popping fun with each tasteful flavor


Do you still enjoy a good lollipop?

1 comment:

21 Wits said...

I do, and always will! This is quite a collection of them too! Did you know that according to the Elf movie that these would be considered as one of the elf food groups!