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Friday, June 17, 2011

21 Day Summer Challenge~ Day 8: Summer TV

June 17-Day 8:  Summer TV
Summer TV?
Is there really anything worth watching?
Well I find it is a good time to catch up on reruns of the seasons shows that I may have missed that I do like.
Or maybe watch the ones that I wanted to watch but conflicted with the ones I enjoy watching with hubby.
I know your thinking what about DVR.
I do that as well.
But then I seem to never get to them.
I do talk about the cliff hangers of the season of the programs that I am so addicted too.
Great conversation for the late night groups of ramblings around the out door fire pit.
But usually I find I'm much to busy enjoying the Summer evenings and Summer life style, in the Summer to worry about TV.
I think TV may take a huge back set to life during the Summer months.
I do like to catch up on movies of the past season.
So that usually means getting out the DVD player and having a movie night with lots and lots of popcorn.
Which is more to my liking when I have nothing planned outdoors.
But again I'm usually enjoying the outdoor fun of the Summer, and the Summer evenings.
So by the time I come in it is time for the weather and bed.
It is much more fun to sit outdoors and visit with the neighbors and have BB Q's, evening walks, watching the sunset.
So many more things to enjoy then a TV.
Do you own a flat screen TV?


Anonymous said...

I prefer the programs in season and I agree watching television all summer totally misses the point of actually enjoying the holiday. I do own a flat screen

Holly said...

I got a flat screen this past year and LOVE it. If I could afford it I'd switch out all of my TV's to flat screens.

I am glad that I only follow one show in summer (even if it is on three nights) that gives me plenty of time to catch up on movies and stuff I've recorded. I used to use netflix but just switched to blockbuster (thru the mail) and of course RED BOX is very easy and convient but doesnt always have what I'm wanting. I'm with you thou that I'd rather be outside having a BBQ or swimming or at the beach!

Amy said...

I have my Summer Shows I love.. I love my DVR to tape the shows so I can catch them.. We do have a flat screen in our living room.. Have a great day.

Jen said...

I totally get your take on TV during the Summer months! I am such a couch potato that I do enjoy TV even in the summer and as you already read I LOVE Big Brother!!