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Daily Journey

My journey through my day and my life with its andotes and life lessons of the day. The gifts and blessing of those people the Lord has surrounded me with along with the many treasure's He has left for me to open and enjoy along the way. My walk with my Lord and Savior, Prayers, Work, Play. Pictures of the gifts and blessing. My journey through life and how it has strengthened, blessed me or............

Blog Awards

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Writer's Award! ~ Thank You Gina!

Gina over at "Rainbow's Daily Life" Had this wonderful  award made for me. 

Here are some rules
You find (5) blogger's who you think really deserve the award.
Notify them of their award
Then thank me back :)
Tell us 7 things why you enjoy blogging

Okay 7 things about why I like blogging..........Hmmm.......... Gosh......I have never really thought about that.

  1. It is a wonderful way for me to meet other people and travel the world
  2. A great way to express myself and to help me with my writing skills
  3. It is a great way to share my life with my family as I am making this into a book for them monthly.
  4. It is fun to grow and learn in other skill areas like with my camera.
  5. It stretches me to work at learning new ways to write through challenges
  6. I learn from others and grow in knowledge in many areas
  7. It is FUN!
Five bloggers for this award:
  1. Melody-mae
  2. Fi
  3. Vanessa
  4. Josie

I have one more to give out and I will work on this. But I know you will be blessed by these writers and their blogs. They all offer something a bit different and are a lot of fun. Please check them out and congratulate each one.

Do you like to check out new blogs you have never read before?


Unknown said...

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for this lovely award. This one really means a lot to me...that you would find my writing, awarding means so much!

much love and happiness,

Southhamsdarling said...

What a lovely award to receive Bethe! Congratulations to you my friend. Your seven reasons were excellent. I am a follower of melody-mae, and I love her writing, so well done to her too.

Rainbow said...

once again you always amaze me with your writing!!! There are so many bloggers out there it is hard to choose from!!! I love going to others blogs. Please ck out Bob's daughters blog She has been off blogging due to health but is coming back.

Blessings, hope you are feeling better