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Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Lent Letter's To God~ 21

Hey lord,
It is me Beth! It is so gloomy with all this rain Lord! I think I'm going to float away. They say this is the fifth rainiest season here in Portland. Not sure if that is right... but okay.
I received a wonderful call from my dear friend Crystal this morning. Thank you for starting my day with love and prayers from her.  It is always wonderful to start the day with a fun phone call from friends from afar then a time of prayer. Thank you for all those who you have placed in my life that just call with such love then pray. I just love that Lord. I surely have been blessed with many friends like that from you. Thank you!
Today was hubby's birthday, the day you blessed us with him. Thank you for the gift that he has been.
I had to work most of the day so he spent the day running around by himself. Though we had a nice dinner out. We love those "hot wings." Yummy! In the tummy!
I was pondering once again on the that statement, "I make a difference." Sometimes I just done see it Lord. I was sharing and thinking about this. As each person in this world makes a difference to someone somehow. That is so huge when I think about it. It is so encompassing.
I sometimes don't think how I can truly make that big of difference to anyone. But then I think of all the things that you have given me in talents and gifts that do make a difference even when I don't think it is. Or just being at the right place at the right time to share something with someone that they may not have been able to have unless I was there at that peculiar given time. I think of the man with the dog today on the side of the road. Yes! Just something that small does make a difference. It did to him. Thank you for showing me that today.
It is funny how we take for granted so much in our lives and the effects we have on others including complete strangers. I think of this blog and how I put things out there. Even when it maybe uncomfortable. How it may effect or touch someone and help them or give them food for thought.
I know you brought me to this wonderful blog world. I think of the many people I already enjoy and how they have touched my life and those that I just have dropped by and said "Hi" too. What their written word has said to me and how it has touched me. I thank you for each one Lord and how you have brought them all together in this blog world to share what you have placed in each one of their hearts to share. I just pray that  my written words are doing the same Lord.  That you have a grand purpose for this journey of growing through the blog world and meeting wonderful and talented women and even men Lord. That share their world with me that I wouldn't have the opportunity to see or be apart of otherwise. What a wonderful gift this blog world  is to be Lord.
Just thinking and pondering upon all these things today Lord. Mostly just thinking and pondering upon "I do make a difference." I'm sure there is much more for me to glean out of this one and will be thinking upon it for a while longer.
Well Lord today has been gloomy, but there are so many wonderful signs of you in it everywhere. I just need to remember that you are watering me like you are this earth with all this rain; so that we might grow into the flowers that you want me to. So that I  might shine brightly your love and grace to this world. Just another reflection of your beauty and what you want us to reflect to others.  Thank you for each life lesson you place there for me to learn and grow Lord.
Love you.
I will be searching all the corners of  my world for your wonderful gifts tomorrow Lord.
Goodnight with much love
Your daughter Beth

How is the weather in your neck of the woods?

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