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Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Computer Mayhem

Oh my! I'm not enjoying this computer right NOW! It appears it maybe going back into the wonderful little geek repairman doctors. It isn't running right or performing properly. I have been running all those wonderful check up programs for the computer. And am still having many issues. It started the other day when I was trying to help daughter. then I went and did something I didn't feel comfortable with and have had problems ever since. Darn it! Then I also had some other weird things happening in the last few days. Must be something ugly going on in cyber space once again. It has seemed to find its way to my little window in the world. So this may be putting a damper on my blogging for a few days. Hoping to clear this mess up here at home tonight. If not cleared up my tomorrow I will be taking it in once again tomorrow afternoon so I might have it back within a week or less I would hope. Darn things. I don't understand people who have the desire to harm and create such worms and virus's to destroy or steal or create mayhem for others. They sure do need to get a life that is for darn sure. I cannot even imagine what kind of person would do such things. It is so very sad!
Well with that said I must see where this darn cleaning of the computer is going this evening. It is not what I wanted to do. I wanted to be in bed early this evening. So much for that wonderful idea.

How is your Wednesday night closing?

1 comment:

Southhamsdarling said...

Good luck with it. HOpe you get the problems sorted out quickly!