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Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Lent Letter's To God~ 22

Dear Lord,
We are now on day twenty two. Can you believe it? The time is slipping by so quickly. I cannot believe that we are half way through the Lent season. I have been learning so much on this little journey. I have been so excited about each reveal and how I have been much more aware of you and all that you have blessed me with. So much more appreciative as well. Thank you so very much Lord.
Today was full as each day is. I never know how or what you will do or how you will re-design my day.
Some cancel, some cannot come in, some new ones come by and say hello. Well others find their way right into my chair.
Never a dull moment at the hair salon. Each day is different and a new adventure with each lady or gentleman whatever the case maybe that day. Each bringing a bit of their life and in sightfulness into my life in the salon. Their smiles and laughter as they relax and enjoy their visits with one another. It is funny how they seem to get so excited when one of their friends whom they just had breakfast with comes into the room. They are like little children.
They have it down Lord. We are to come and be like little children. Well they surely are and I so love it.
Today was filled with many blessings with each one. They where asking questions about skin care. Oh my gosh! I got to sell some Mary Kay Lord to those awesome ladies! Thank you for the business in my Mary Kay. I hadn't done much with it in a while so I was surely excited and blessed by this pleasant surprise. Thank you.
Then off to care for those over at the Adult Foster Care. What a darling bunch of ladies each one. I have to that I regular do over at this peculiar one. So sweet they are.
Sandy's daughter is going to check on some salon equipment for me. I'm so excited. As I have need of some special pieces that I cannot afford. Maybe they will want to get rid of it or sell it cheap.
Went shopping for hubby this afternoon. He is going to a baby shower. How funny is that!?! Well Lord this husband and wife are going to be so blessed with this gift from you. So I had fun shopping for a new little one. Haven't done that one in a while. Lots of new things out there.
Then CK and I went for an afternoon walk. It is still very gloomy and over cast with sprinkles. But we both enjoyed our walk so very much. It always feel good to get a little walk in, even if it is a short one. I'm thinking I need to get back to the gym. That is what I'm thinking.
Today's lessons have been easy. As they have been just to listen and be willing to switch up the day as it comes. Letting the adjustments flow with ease when you are in control and I don't fight it and try to do it my way. That is never fun! It is a struggle and never ever comfortable when I try to do it my way.
It was great to have house keeping come in and do my floors while I was out last week. They always look so nice after they do them. That is the other lesson of reminder. We have not because we ask not. I asked and I received. Not always on my time table but it comes through. Thank you so very much.
So today was just a little refresher course and review of things learned or what we already knew. Just great reminders to keep us focused and on track. And of course the reflect. Plenty of that reflection going on as we reflect you and your love for each person you place across our path.
Thank you Lord.
I love you and will be looking forward to a whole new set of excitement at the other salon tomorrow in Clackmas. I know you will be right there beside me as you always are.
Love your daughter Beth

Do any of your friends go to the same salon or hairdresser as you?

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