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Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Thankful Thursday List~

Thankful Thursday hosted by "Undeserving Grace"

WOW! With all that is going on we all have so much to be grateful and thankful for. My small five and each one of your small five just think how wonderful this world truly is even in the tragedy and loss across the world. We all can still be thankful. Come join in on the fun and lets see how many things we all have to be thankful and grateful for. Lets load up Tara's link.

1.) I'm so very thankful I have a wonderful job that I Love going to
2.) My eye glasses so I can see
3.) Hugs from all those I love (family & friends)
4.) Hot tea to warm the insides of my body and just bring that soothing comfort that tea brings
5.) A roof from the element's

Are you looking forward to the end of this week?  (I sure am!)

1 comment:

Undeserving Grace said...

I catch myself saying thankful for the same things! My daughter has said eyeballs before because not having them would scary and no fun. I learned the hard we can't take jobs we enjoy for granted too. Great list and i'm thankful you linked up! Have a weekend full of lots of blessings!
{tara} from Undeserving Grace