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Saturday, July 30, 2011

365 Days Of Pictures ~ Day 157

This tree reminded me of the trees in the movie,  "Wizard Of Oz",  when they where talking and throwing apples at Dorothy.
As well as those that where tauting her when they went through the Forest.
Of course this tree isn't an apple tree at all nor the trees in the forest that tauted Dorothy and all that where with her.
But if you look at the hugeness of it and how the limbs stretch out and look like they are dancing.
It kinda does.
There was no way I could get a whole tree picture of this tree or very many of any of them really.
As they all where so very large in size as you can see.
 I had to hold the camera straight up and aim and pray.
I love the way it came out.
Just yet another example of the massive trees at Discovery park in Sacramento along the river banks of the American and Sacramento rivers where they meet.
Just to go there and see these trees and let the kids play in them was worth it.
I forgot how massive these trees and how unusual the trunks where on them.
Funny when you a teenager these thing's never seem that important.
Glad to come back and see things through my adult eyes; and the eyes of the grandchildren who where having such a grand time!

Come dance with me on a limb
Do you ever just shop and aim and pray you get a great picture?


Holly Diane said...

oh what a great tree!! it totally has personality

Kathe W. said...

Beth- what a Great tree you found-picture perfect tree! And thanks for all the nice comments on my blog- I sure appreciate your kind words!

rainbow said...

Always, that is what makes us PHOTO NUTS, and gets us the best shots ever. This photo of a very special tree is fantastic. Thanks for sharing.

rainbow (Momma Lyn)

Beverley said...

I will remember your picture, I'm just reading the Wizard of Oz.