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Friday, March 4, 2011

Trying To Learn

There is so much to learn on this blogging. So many little interesting gadgets and widgets and pages and the list goes on and on. I have been trying to figure out how to make a pages up near my header tonight. I haven't succeed so well. I'm  one of those who wants to do it herself. Well.........not sure that is going to work. I'm not tech sauve' and this is not as easy as it looks. So I will be getting back to this one a bit later.
A few nights back I was searching and trying to figure out how you get those cute buttons and make them. Not... so easy! So I gave up on that one for the time being as well. I will get back to that one at a later date too.
I seem to go back to the harder ones later I just want the easy ones first as I learn. Thank you!
I have been looking at how to get my copy write on my photos as well. Not an easy thing either. You almost need to have a special hand book for all these things for your blog and to protect your self and your writings plus photos.
So scary in some ways. But the techniques and the gadgets and the widgets and goodies are so very COOL!
One of my reasons for wanting to learn all of this is I just had a friend of mine and her husband who are writers and a photography where plagiarized because they hadn't had all this on their property. I think that is how the story went. I will have to check and make sure. But lets say this much it wasn't good and or right what had happen to them at all. Their property and their lively hood had been stolen.
I'm finding there are a few not so trust worthy things that happen here on the grander scheme of things in the cyber world of the Internet on the whole . It is so sad people are not honest and that they want to take things without permission or give credit where credit is due. And so many other things as well. Gone are the "Good Ol' Days" Of a trust worthy handshake and your word was as good as your name. SAD!
I think this is a wonderful resource so I want to be able to use this and grow and learn and do all the right things regarding the blogging rules, Internet rules, cyber rules, etc. I don't want to cause any problems for someone else or me. Dad always said the ignorance is no excuse.
As I have been reading and researching there are an awful lot of information out there. Some blogger's have Incorporated into their blogs to help others. So I would like to share the ones I have found with you.
One that I have found  to be really helpful to me is "The Redhead Riter" Just love her site and enjoy her blog and helpful tips. She has a wealth of information on there. Her link is:

If you are new at this and see things you want to add or just learn she is a great resource. Plus I love reading her blog it is humorous and delightful.

As well today I found another site that I found full of fun things and some free things as well. Thank you to the "Blogaholic" I just added to my blog list today. I haven't really spent enough time on their blog yet. But I can tell I will be spending some time learning and access their wealth of information as well. This place is called "Blogaholic Designs" Very cool things there. and their link is:

I have found some others and for the life of me I cannot remember them right off. But if I recall them I will defiantly be adding them as a place of resource to get great information and help.
So if you are like me and are just learning and wondering about where to find information these two defiantly have some resources on them. I'm sure there are many more out there I just haven't found them yet!
So much to learn!
Or I will be hiring it out. Then what fun would that be?

Are you a beginner in blogging or are you a veteran blogger?

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