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Friday, July 1, 2011

Friday Fill~Ins

I haven't played for awhile and thought I would play the "Friday Fill~ Ins."
It is simple and easy.
I have a full plate and still wanted to post something.
Come join along and have some fun!
You can link up and hop around meet new friends and see what they have to say.
What could be more fun and easier than that? we go!

1. Blue skies ahead.

2. Down memory lane we go.

3. Kids playing.

4. Sunshine, laughter, family & friends; these are some of the best things about vacation.

5. Love is happiness.

6. Late night submarine races.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to rest, tomorrow my plans include cleaning and Sunday, I want to play!

Do you have to work today? Or is it apart of your long weekend?

1 comment:

Rainbow said...

Submarine races..HMMM there isn't a lake deep enough here for those races...thank you for the post.