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Blog Awards

Friday, March 11, 2011

Day 19 - A picture of you when you were little.

Day 19 - A picture of you when you were little.

This picture of me was taken at my grandparents home in Washington (I think it was their home) when I was three years old.  You can see I really love my baby dolls. It even looks like I have a princess dress on. I can say I really don't know any of the history on this photo at all. Expect the handwriting is grandma's it tells me how old I am and it was in Seattle. It could have been in the house grandma and grandpa owned across the street from their home too. I know we lived there several different time sin my young life. Dad was military, so there where plenty of travels. I sure look like a happy little girl that is for sure. Must be all those baby dolls. I know there are many picture's of me with dolls and stuffed animals. I still love them both. I sure do like that dress my mom has on me though.

Do you have lots of old photos laying around that need to be organized and sorted; that you don't know allot about?

1 comment:

Southhamsdarling said...

That's a sweet little picture of you as a three year old with your dolls, and look at that lovely smile. I agree, it's a very pretty little dress.